Pritam Chakraborty song list
Here we are providing you, song list which are composed by Pritam Chakraborty. It include latest and popular song lyrics with official music video and other information of the song. Pritam is a prominent Indian music composer, singer, and lyricist in the Hindi film industry. His versatile talent and dedication to creating soulful melodies have solidified his position as one of the most sought after music composers in the Indian entertainment industry.
Read your favorite song full lyrics in Hindi and English (Hinglish) language with us by clicking on song name from below list.
- Banda
- Chal Ve Watna
- Channa Mereya
- Hua Main
- Kudmayi
- Kya Mujhe Pyaar Hai
- Main Tera Rasta Dekhunga
- O Bedardya
- O Maahi
- Shayad
- Tere Hawale
- Tu Jaane Na
- Tu Jo Mila
- Tum Mile
- Ve Kamelya
- What Jhumka